Liquidity loan

Liquidity loan

Purpose: Solving short-term liquidity needs (payment to suppliers for already purchased raw materials or other materials, salary disbursement as well as other short-term obligations)


Loan amount:

Depending on the loan applicant’s creditworthiness

Loan currency:

Denars (MKD)

Repayment period:

up to 1 month

Repayment terms:

At maturity with possibility of early repayment (in full or in part to repayment of the total amount in the envisaged term)



Under the applicable Collateral Catalogue of Stopanska banka a.d. Bitola at the time of approval

interest rates

Interest rate:

In accordance with the Decision on Interest Rate Policy of the Bank

Fees and commissions:

One-off fee under the Fee and Commission and Service Tariff of the Bank (currently 0.3% one-off, min MKD 1,000, max MKD 10,000 for deposit loans and 1% one-off, min MKD 3,000 for loans secured by other types of collateral)

Other fees and commissions:

MKD 2,000 Handling costs for approved application (this does not apply to deposit loans)