Deposit secured loan


Purpose: Funding working capital (payment to suppliers for already supplied raw material or other material, salary reimbursement as well as payment of other short-term liabilities)


Loan amount:

By the deposit amount.

Loan currency:

Denars (MKD)

Repayment period:

up to 12 months

Loan term:

up to the loan period, depending on the client’s needs

Repayment terms:

One-off at the end of the maturity period with possibility for prepayment (fully or partially to repayment of the total amount to the scheduled term) and repayment of monthly, quarterly and semiannual annuities 



Minimum amount of the deposit in compliance with the Collateral Catalogue and Policy of the Bank** In case of using a deposit in same currency of the loan, the deposit amount should total at least 103% of the loan value. Foreign currency deposit may serve as collateral of MKD loan under the above proportion. MKD deposit may serve as collateral of a foreign currency loan to amount to at least 125% of the loan value.Deposit validity term should be at least equal to or higher than the loan period.

interest rates

Interest rate:

In accordance to the Decision on Interest Rate Policy of the Bank (between 1% and 3% interest margin over the interest of the deposit, depending on deposit/loan ratio and cooperation level with the Bank


One-off commission under the Fee and Commission and Service Tariff of the Bank (currently 0.3% one-off, minimum MKD 3,000, maximum MKD 50,000)

Other fees and commissions:
