With fixed term premium

  • long-term deposits on 24, 36 and 48 months;
  • adjustable nominal interest rate with term premium;
  • interest is disbursed after the end of the term period, or at the time of early termination.

For 24- month term deposits:

  • If the term deposit is terminated prior to the expiration of 13th month of the term date, the client receives recurring interest rate;
  • If the deposit is terminate after 13 months, the client receives nominal interest;
  • If the deposit is terminated after the maturity, or after expiration of 24 months, the client receives nominal interest plus term premium.

For 36- month term deposits:

  • If the term deposit is terminated prior to the expiration of 25th month of the term date, the client receives recurring interest rate;
  • If the deposit is terminate after 25 months, the client receives nominal interest;
  • If the deposit is terminated after the maturity, or after expiration of 36 months, the client receives nominal interest plus term premium.

For 48- month term deposits:

  • If the term deposit is terminated prior to the expiration of 37th month of the term date, the client receives recurring interest rate;
  • If the deposit is terminate after 37 months, the client receives nominal interest;
  • If the deposit is terminated after the maturity, or after expiration of 48 months, the client receives nominal interest plus term premium.

IV. Long-term deposit with fixed term premium

For recipients of salary or pension in the Bank and credit card users


24 months

36 months

48 months

Interest rate

Term premium

Interest rate

Term premium

Interest rate

Term premium

MKD 2,20% 0,50% 2,60% 0,50% 2.90% 0,50%

For this type of current term deposit made to 31.07.2013 inclusive, terms and conditions shall apply as those for recipients of salary or pension in the Bank or credit card users

For other clients not recipients of salary or pension in the Bank


24 months

36 months

48 months

Interest rate

Term premium

Interest rate

Term premium

Interest rate

Term premium

MKD 2,00% 0,50% 2,40% 0,50% 2,70% 0,50%

On all term deposit amounts in counter value of over EUR 100,000.00, term premium of 0.2% shall apply.

On all term deposit amounts in counter value of over EUR 200,000.00, term premium of 0.4% shall apply.

On all term deposit amounts of one client or a group of related entities with total amount of MKD 10,000,000.00 counter value, lower interest rate threshold shall be included:  

          • Interest rate on MKD deposits shall not fall under 1.50%