
The Bank mission is to position among the most successful banks in the Republic of Macedonia ensuring high level of rate of return on the Shareholders’ assets and continuous profitability as a result of trust acquired and increase of the deponent base, creation and maintenance of long-term relations with the clients through quality products and fast services, job safety and wider social community support.


Compliance with each ethical principles and protection of our deponents’ interests, ensuring safe investments and adequate yield.

Building relations with our clients based on mutual confidence and trust and cooperation and creation of long-term partnerships through recognizing and financing profitable business projects as well as funding knowledge and competences for development of the client's business.

Oriented to the citizens’ needs, obtained content and satisfaction of the bank service quality and level, enlarged client base, extended market share throughout the country while maintaining dominant share in Pelagonia Region.

Optimized Bank value, enlarged Shareholders’ invested funds and secured solid return on their investments.

Secured long-term reliability and stable work post for our employees who as a staff incorporate accumulated experience and young labour that with their enthusiasm, energy and potential contribute to velocity, flexibility and innovativeness which results in improved performances.

Realized bank operations in fair and impartial manner ensuring social benefit and support to the community as well as acting to realization of higher mutual and social goals.